Sunday, 28 November 2010
Still Life
I froze 140g of soup in a tin, left it a day then froze 260g of water sprinkled with red food dye powder (representing chemicals) and photographed it in the studio.
I then froze a tin of mixed vegetables to represent something like what the contents of soup should look like.
Here are the images
Photographic Time
My images were scanned not photographed as I felt that scanning produced a better quality image as well as a more visually interesting image.
9 of my Images - I have copyright of all of these images.
Tuesday, 12 October 2010
Rickerby Park
So the other day - erm Oct 4th i think. The light was again glorious so after a tedious morning in lectures i packed my camera bag put on my walking boots and after walking around for 2 hours was absolutely shattered.
but .... I found my observation.
I found that despite the view there was obstructions in the scenery. A huge tower block, a barbed wire fence, a car filled bridge, endless amounts of graffiti!!! the list is endless. So that's my Observing Environments project ..... The endless amounts of scenery destroying things.
Its going to be called Documenting Imperfections referring to the imperfections in the image that they create.
Wednesday, 29 September 2010
Oh Dear
The light not being too good i didnt bother to look at the images until tonight when I re shot my images of my little photograph. And I quite like the images, I really didnt expect them to be any good at all.
oh dead oh dear oh dear
Tuesday, 28 September 2010
Observing Environments
New Project
The idea came about when brainstorming ideas around past relationships and people of particular significance to me. The idea is to go back and photographs sites of events as a kind of visual memory. No people in the images just the place and the memory of what occurred.
I think no people in the images would be quite poignant because its sort of like no one is left but you to remember what happened or to care.
But I have more important things to be getting on with. I like to write ideas down do I don't forget them them.
Wednesday, 22 September 2010
I haven't blogged since my ND so I'm a little rusty.
So ..... where did i leave off ... hmmmm. Ahhh my narrative brief well after that was my final major project which I did written work for not blog and I was far to busy to even think about posting them . My images were about how nature reclaims all things eventually. but i chose a model to show this with a shoot based around a kind of Miss Havisham scenario where the model has just given up and lied down on the woods and nature has reclaimed her. I absolutely love the novel great expectations and especially love the character Miss Havisham so having my own take on the character only seemed fitting.
Friday, 16 April 2010
Final Evaluation
I have learnt quite a bit from this brief. I Beforehand I did not really know what narrative photography was. I knew that it was telling a story I just didn’t really know how they told a story. I have learnt that narrative tells stories in all sorts of ways and that it depends on the photographer telling it. I have learnt how to tell a story in an image and also how to create a person in an image. Through my research into narrative photographers I have found how other people create stories in their images and although none of the photographers I looked at created characters apart from Duane Michaels’ Bogey man I have learnt that narratives generally some in two ways, a series of images or one single image. The series documents each part of the story in a different image and the single incorporates parts of the story into one image and leaves your imagination to fill in the blanks. I have also learnt that you don’t need a big fancy lighting set up to get a good image. I am very happy with what I have produced and I used only natural light coming in from a window. Before hand I generally had the idea that good images took a long time in the studio, a lot of time and patience, a lot of equipment and a lot of editing. Now I realise that is not the case.
If I were to do the brief again I would look at more photographers to gain a broader understanding of narrative photography and the people who are involved. I would have also have shot my images earlier so I would have had time to analyse them are maybe re shot again if need be. I think I would have also done more practical research in the form of shooting more objects and playing around with scenarios to see what worked best. I would have also looked at photographers that shot something similar to help me with my concept.
My motivation for this brief has been my Final Major Project. I don’t know why but it has always been in the back of my head that the sooner I get this finished the sooner I can start on my final major project. It has been the same with university. I have been thinking the sooner I do this the sooner I start my fmp the sooner I’m on to bigger and better things. My inspiration has definitely been the photographers that I have looked at, especially the two that photographed Haiti. I found the images incredibly inspirational because they told the story of an event via the participants ... a little like I am trying to do.
For this brief I have researched narrative photographers, I couldn’t really do much technical research as I have found that the later the year goes on the less and less technical research I can do. The briefs are more and more about the concept. So I found absolutely no technical research to do at all. I found my research on photographers very useful as it showed me all the different ways to present a narrative and what is already out there.
My time management for this brief has been good, I was in a bit of a rush in the last two weeks getting everything in the right order and everything evaluated etc but I finished 3 days before the deadline so that’s good in my books ( free weekend ) .
I have definitely learned that I have a tendency to lean towards emotional image subjects; I always have a ‘sad’ image subject. And I don’t think it’s a bad thing it is just an observation. I have also realised that I feel too comfortable in the studio that I have to get out and do so location work and get really good photographing things without the aid of a studio first.
My ideas initially, like always came from my own head; I never consciously get my ideas from anywhere. Maybe somewhere subconsciously I have read or seen something about personal effects bags but I am unaware of it. They came from me thinking about what I think defines a person in today’s society. About how I could make a person without actually photographing them. And the answer was clear ... their possessions. You can learn a lot about a man if you look at his possessions. People’s lives are lived through material goods and I just had the idea of a personal effects bag because my family have received one and in face received one towards the end of this brief ( I didn’t photograph it ... I wasn’t allowed ) .
I think my images are a reflection of what I think of society. On how materialistic I think people are. They aren’t really an expression of my personality just on my materialistic nature. I define people by how they dress, how their house is, by what car they have etc. I am a very materialistic person and it is typical of me to choose peoples possessions to define them.
Conceptually my images say that society is too damn materialistic. But they also say that rich or poor at the end you are not defined by your car, your fancy house etc your whole life is reduced to what you had on you at the time of your death and if you just popped around the corner to the shops it isn’t really going to be a great deal.
Finally, I like my images; they say exactly what I wanted them to say. They tell my story how I wanted it to be told and hopefully they spark some really crazy scenarios from the people who view them.
Thursday, 15 April 2010
Final 5 Images

Sixth Shoot

My sixth shoot contained items from my handbag. I emptied out my handbag and arranged the contents. The only item I left out were my glasses because they gave away who's things they were because the people at collage know my glasses. I think the items work well together because they are very random. You have normal girls things in there like hand cream, breath freshener, lip balm, earnings but then you have party balloons which are not really to be expected. ( do have a good reason for having party balloons in my handbag they are for my little cousin when she comes into work). So I am again looking forward to hearing people theory about how this particular person died and the circumstances. It think it shows how people make up and let their imaginations go a little crazy.
Fith Shoot

Yet again I used the same lighting, I had a good thing going so I thought I would utilise it. I tried to choose things that people associate with fathers. I wanted this bag to come across as a dad, but that's it, I didn't want to influence peoples interpretation any more. I want my images to be totally open to interpretation I want to see what people come up with. Almost as if I give them the framework and they fill in the blanks. I had a few problems with the glasses and the reflection in them but I worked that out by repositioning myself. So that the reflection was reduced, I suppose that is what i get for shooting in front of a glass door.
Forth Shoot

This shoot was shot in exactly the same set up as my third shoot except I decided to change the bag that the items were in. Instead of a plastic bag I used a paper bag and put the items on top of it. I think this worked better and provided a bit of variety into my images. The natural light was a little harsh but I liked it, I liked the shadows casted the worked well with the seriousness of the subject. I was undecided about adding the alcohol bottle as I thought it would be a little too suggestive but I think that it lets peoples imagination run wild, whether or not it is in the direction i want them to or not. It will be interesting to hear what scenarios people come up with.
Third Shoot

This is a re shoot for my first shoot. As i was not happy with how my first shoot turned out i fel that i needed to re shoot the image. I used a table in my lounge to shoot on and used natural light to light the set up. I chose a really good day to shoot as it was bright and sunny in the morning. My house only gets sun at one time of day, morning, after around 12 pm it doesn't tend to get any sun and the sun only comes in through the back door so if i want to use natural light i have to use my time well and shoot early morning.
Friday, 2 April 2010
Second Shoot

Wednesday, 31 March 2010
First shoot